2024 new years resolutions book

Forming Your New Year Budget And Financial Resolutions

The New Year is the perfect time to form a new budget and financial resolutions, like preparing to tackle emergencies with help from Utah Title Loans, Inc. A little preparation goes a long way; this guide will help you with that!

Here, you’ll discover how to prepare yourself financially for the new year. Then, you’ll find a few resolutions you can adopt for better financial health this coming year!

How Do You Prepare Financially For The New Year?

The New Year is an excellent time to adopt healthier habits concerning personal finances. 

You can prepare yourself financially for this time in two general ways:

Create A New Year Budget

The first step to handling your finances is forming a New Year budget. Start by planning your finances for January, covering the following items:

  • Your expected income.
  • Your anticipated expenses.
  • Any money you want to set aside for savings or investments.

Remember: your budget doesn’t have to be perfect. You just need one prepared so you can adjust it later as time passes and you have more experience handling your money.

Forming a New Year budget helps you set a better tone for the rest of the year.

forming a new year budget and financial resolutions

Set Financial Resolutions

A budget will help you manage things better in the short term. However, preparing financially for the New Year by aiming to improve is also an excellent idea.

You can do that by setting one or more financial resolutions.

As you’ll see in the next section, you can choose from many resolutions to improve your finances. 

Select the ones that resonate strongly with you and are achievable.

Remember: like your budget, your finance resolutions don’t have to be perfect. Still, you’d be surprised at how much you can achieve in the New Year if you set your mind to it!

What Are Some Good Financial Resolutions For The New Year?

You can make plenty of different financial resolutions this coming New Year. When you choose the ones you like, you can tailor your budget to help you achieve them more effectively.

Here are some excellent financial resolutions you can choose to improve your financial health this New Year’s:

1. Maintain A Budget

You’ve probably read the same advice a million times about setting up a budget. Unfortunately, that’s the easy part, as maintaining that budget throughout the year is much more challenging.

A simple financial resolution is to maintain a budget throughout the new year. Start with a basic one, then adjust it each month as you gain more knowledge and experience.

This small step can lead to significant improvements in your financial health.

2. Wipe Out Unnecessary Debt

Most people carry unnecessary debt. You can set a New Year’s resolution to wipe out your unnecessary debt and only use it for urgent financial needs.

3. Build Financial Literacy

One of the most important aspects of good financial health is literacy. That’s why you can set a resolution to build and strengthen your knowledge through reading, watching videos, or learning from a mentor with more experience.

An older family member can sometimes teach you many things to improve your financial literacy. You can also hire an expert for their advice if you prefer.

4. Save For Retirement

Many people often neglect retirement savings because of how far into the future it is. You can get ahead of the curve by setting a resolution to start saving for your retirement years.

5. Prepare For Financial Emergencies

Most people are one financial emergency away from complete ruin. Once you have all the basics settled, you can also resolve to prepare yourself for those kinds of emergencies better.

The first step to succeeding at this financial resolution is regularly saving money in an emergency fund. However, you must also have a way of getting urgent cash if your emergency fund isn’t enough. 

girl with urgent cash loan

There are several options you can consider like:

  • Title loans: These enable you to borrow up to $15,000 by using your lien-free car title as collateral. You’ll get to keep your car after you bring it in for a quick inspection to determine its worth and, by extension, how much you qualify to borrow.
  • Payday loans: If you don’t own a car, you could access up to $500 quickly and easily through a payday loan instead. 
  • Signature installment loans: Alternatively, you can choose a signature installment loan. You could qualify to borrow up to $1,500 with this option using your identification, proof of income, and a checking account statement in your name.

Understanding these options will help you decide which is best for your financial emergency.

Get Started Now!

You don’t have to wait until the New Year to prepare your budget and set financial resolutions! Instead, get started now to hit the ground running in January.

Remember to contact Utah Title Loans, Inc. anytime you need a financial boost to overcome an emergency. Submit the online form with your details to get started, and a friendly representative will be in touch soon enough!

Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.

Mason Roberts

Mason Roberts is a seasoned economics writer and blogger with a knack for breaking down and simply communicating the ever-changing world of finance. He is philosophically committed to the premise that financial knowledge equals financial freedom.